We had been thinking and working on this for a while. Now, here we are!
As you already knew, Seed Venture 2.0 will be relased on multiple blockchains, starting with Polygon, essentially for two reasons.
First of all, miners fee are high on Ethereum, at the moment, instead they are very low on Polygon. Moreover, Ethereum staff is testing “The Merge”, which will change its protocol in multiple chains secured by a proof of stake.
We shall wait merge completion to avoid any issue with our platform, then we shall deploy it on Ethereum too.
The two platforms will be independent: Seed Venture on Ethereum and Seed Venture on Polygon, startups will decide which chain they will launch their funding campaign on. All the contracts will be released on both. SEED token contract, now alive on Ethereum only, will be released on Polygon too.
A snapshot of the balances will be taken at block 15320000, here is a countdown: https://etherscan.io/block/countdown/15320000
As you can see, the extimated mining time is 10th August, at the moment. The date can change, for it depends on the miners.
The 1st of August was our first assumption, but we decided right now to have more time, so take note: snapshot will be taken at block 15320000. 🚀
After the snapshot we will airdrop 300.000.000 SEEDs on Polygon blockchain at the same addresses as the holders, with the same balance as the snapshot. 🤩
No further tokens can be minted or airdropped!
Those who have SEED token on their Ethereum address, at the snapshot, will receive the same amount of SEED on their Polygon address, which can be managed with the same private key. 😎
Those who use Metamask, can just switch to Polygon network and add the new token address to find the balance.
The Rock Trading, the Italian Exchange where the token is listed, will support the airdrop via support tickets, they will allow the withdrawal of polygon SEED token and the trading of Ethereum SEED token.
Clarifications and explanations will follow. Be ready to double your balance! 🔥